Becoming an American Barre Technique® certified barre instructor will provide you with the knowledge and skills to teach barre with confidence anywhere; at home sessions, at the gym, in the park, at your local business. Your knowledge and expertise in teaching the technique will expand your credentials and broaden your clientele. The American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification will enable you to further your health, wellness, and fitness career. Training to become an instructor with American Barre Technique® will give you the necessary skills to instruct students, conduct barre classes, increase your revenue, broaden your clientele, and learn how to better connect with your clients.
ABT Certified Barre Instructor Online Training Courses
All American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification courses consist of:
1. Online Quizzes
2. Online Exam
3. Final exam: Video Submission
*Upon passing and receiving an American Barre Technique® official digital certificate, your certificate is valid forever and you will not be required to complete continuing education.
Barre Certification Requirement
To enroll into any American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification, you MUST be:
1. At least 15 years of age
Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 1)
The American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification course includes:
1. American Barre Technique® Digital Instructor Manual
2. All Quizzes
3. Free Final Exam
4. Free Final Video Submission
5. Ballet Body Digital Workout DVD
6. Downloadable Health Questionnaire Form
7. Downloadable Liability Form
8. Sample Sign In Sheet
9. Sample Music Playlist Sheets
10. Sample Barre Class Cheat Sheet
11. Digital Lifetime Non-Expiring Certificate (upon completion)
Advanced Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 2)
1. Must have completed and passed the American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 1)
The American Barre Technique® Advanced Barre Instructor Certification course includes:
1. American Barre Technique® Digital Instructor Manual
2. All Quizzes
3. Free Final Exam
4. Free Final Video Submission
5. Digital Lifetime Non-Expiring Certificate (upon completion)
Master Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 3)
1. Must have completed and passed the American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 1)
2. Must have completed and passed the American Barre Technique® Advanced Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 2)
*American Barre Technique® highly suggests obtaining a CPR/AED Certificate
The American Barre Technique® Master Barre Instructor Certification course includes:
1. American Barre Technique® Digital Instructor Manual
2. All Quizzes
3. Free Final Exam
4. Free Final Video Submission
5. Digital Lifetime Non-Expiring Certificate (upon completion)
Certified Barre Coach Certification Course (Level 4)
1. Must have completed and passed the American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 1)
2. Must have completed and passed the American Barre Technique® Advanced Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 2)
3. Must have completed and passed the American Barre Technique® Master Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 3)
*American Barre Technique® highly suggests obtaining a CPR/AED Certificate
The American Barre Technique® Certified Barre Coach Certification course includes:
1. American Barre Technique® Digital Coach Manual
2. All Quizzes
3. Free Final Exam
4. Free Final Video Submission
5. Personalized Discount Code
6. Free ABT Merchandise (U.S. instructors only)
7. Biography Write Up on Official ABT Website
8. Digital Lifetime Non-Expiring Certificate (upon completion)
Prenatal and Postnatal Barre Instructor Specialty Certification Course
1. Must have completed and passed the American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 1)
The American Barre Technique® Prenatal & Postnatal Barre Instructor Certification course includes:
1. American Barre Technique® Digital Instructor Manual
2. All Quizzes
3. Free Final Exam
4. Free Final Video Submission
5. Digital Lifetime Non-Expiring Certificate (upon completion)
H.I. (High Intensity) Barre Instructor Specialty Certification Course
1. Must have completed and passed the American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 1)
The American Barre Technique® H.I. Barre Instructor Certification course includes:
1. American Barre Technique® Digital Instructor Manual
2. H.I. Barre Digital Workout DVD
3. All Quizzes
4. Free Final Exam
5. Free Final Video Submission
6. Digital Lifetime Non-Expiring Certificate (upon completion)
Ballet Aerobics (Barre-less Barre) Instructor Specialty Certification Course
1. Must have completed and passed the American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 1)
The American Barre Technique® Ballet Aerobics Instructor Certification course includes:
1. American Barre Technique® Digital Instructor Manual
2. Ballet Aerobics Digital Workout DVD
3. All Quizzes
4. Free Final Exam
5. Free Final Video Submission
6. Digital Lifetime Non-Expiring Certificate (upon completion)
Floor Barre Fitness (Barre Stretch) Instructor Specialty Certification Course
1. Must have completed and passed the American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification Course (Level 1)
The American Barre Technique® Floor Barre Fitness Instructor Certification course includes:
1. American Barre Technique® Digital Instructor Manual
2. Floor Barre (Barre Stretch) Digital Workout DVD
3. All Quizzes
4. Free Final Exam
5. Free Final Video Submission
6. Digital Lifetime Non-Expiring Certificate (upon completion)
Frequently Asked Questions on Barre Ceritification Courses
Online Program Length
Each online course is designed to take approximately 3-4 weeks to complete, depending your work speed. You have six months to complete the program, before being logged out of the course.
Upon completing and passing the online quizzes, online exam, and final video submission with at least a 70%, your digital certificate will be issued. Your account must be paid in full before your lifetime non-expiring digital certificate is sent.
American Barre Technique® Barre Instructor Certification (Level 1) Course: $299
Advanced Barre Instructor Certification (Level 2) Course: $299
Master Barre Instructor Certification (Level 3) Course: $299
Certified Barre Coach Certification (Level 4) Course: $329
Pre and Postnatal Barre Instructor Certification (Specialty Cert.) Course: $199
H.I. Barre Instructor Certification (Specialty Cert.) Course: $199
Ballet Aerobics Instructor Certification (Specialty Cert.) Course: $199
Floor Barre Fitness Instructor Certification (Specialty Cert.) Course: $199
Continuing Education Course: $99