After I get barre certified is there a yearly licensing/membership fee?
No. There are not any annual licensing/membership fees with American Barre Technique courses. Upon course completion you will earn a lifetime, non-expiring instructor certificate.
Are there any prerequisites for the Barre Instructor Certification course?
No. There are not any prerequisites or introductory courses you must complete to take the barre certification course. If you have any background knowledge in ballet, the course will be easier for you to complete.
How long does it take to complete the online barre certification course?
You are given six months to complete the barre instructor certification course. Most instructors complete the course in 1-3 weeks.
If I pass the ABT barre certification course, will I earn the title of Certified Barre Instructor?
Yes. Once you pass the Barre Instructor Certification course, you will earn the lifetime title of Certified Barre Instructor and will have the credentials to teach barre in any facility that hires you to teach barre.
Do people prefer the online barre certification versus the in-person certification course? And why?
Most people prefer the online barre certification over the in-person 2 day certification course. The reason being that with the online barre certification you are able to take the time to fully grasp the concepts, movements, and exercises, with the ability to retake tests. It is recommended to take the ABT online barre certification course to provide yourself with the greatest chance of passing the course and feeling adequately prepared to teach barre classes.
Can I complete the barre certification course 100% Online?
Yes, the barre certification course is 100% online, self-paced, internationally accredited and requires no in-person meeting.
Anyone. Whether you're a trained dancer, a personal trainer, or a fitness enthusiast, you can get barre certified. The only requirements American Barre Technique has is that the individual must be at least 15 years of age.
What is the best barre certification for me to teach with confidence?
American Barre Technique is the best barre certification for you if you want to teach with confidence. The comprehensive, self paced course will teach you class choreography, proper student corrections, ballet terminology, anatomy, body alignment, and counting skills. Once you complete the online barre certification course, you will be prepared and able to teach with confidence.
Will I learn choreography to use?
Yes, you will learn foundational class choreography with variations to use for your own barre classes.
Do I have to pay to get an extension on the course if I don't complete it in six months?
No. American Barre Technique allows a two month extension upon your request, free of charge. After your first free 2-month extension, you will be informed to pay $24.99 for an additional two month extension. If you need more time than the free two month extension due to a personal injury, family, medical emergency, and the like, you may request additional time at our administrations office email: info@abtbarre.com
Can I teach a barre class without barres?
Yes. American Barre Technique prefers that certified barre instructors invest in purchasing portable barres from our list of barre providers. If you cannot purchase portable barres, using the back of a chair, countertop, or wall is acceptable.
Once I get barre certified and begin teaching, do I have to call my classes "American Barre Technique?"
No, you may name your classes whatever you prefer. You do not have to call your classes "American Barre Technique."
I have years of ballet and fitness teaching experience and I want to become a Certified Barre Coach. Can I skip the other courses and just enroll the Certified Barre Coach Program?
No, you must complete all the mandatory courses to be eligible to enroll in the Certified Barre Coach Program. You may purchase the Barre Certifications Bundle which includes all three levels of certification courses plus the certified barre coach program at a discounted rate.
Is the barre certification 100% online? I live outside the US and want to make sure I do not have to attend an in-person exam.
Yes, the barre certification is 100% online and can be completed from the comfort of your own home. You can complete the barre certification from your home country and do not have to attend any in-person exams. All exams are online.
How much does it cost to get barre certified?
It costs $299 to get barre certified with American Barre Technique. There are no hidden fees or annual membership costs to maintain your barre instructor credential. Once you complete the online barre teacher training you will earn a lifetime, non-expiring barre instructor certificate.
How do I become a barre teacher?
To become a Certified Barre Teacher you must complete the Barre Instructor Certification Online Course. You will learn everything you need to know to teach barre anywhere with confidence and knowledge.
How do I get certified to teach barre?
To get certified to teach barre, the American Barre Technique Certified Barre Instructor Certification course will teach you the skills and knowledge to teach barre anywhere with confidence. You will learn class choreography, body alignment, student corrections, music selections, and more.
How much does it cost to become a barre instructor?
To become a barre instructor it costs $299 for the American Barre Technique Certified Barre Instructor Certification course. The ABT Barre Instructor Certification is 100% online, self paced, and internationally accredited. The online barre instructor training will teach you the skills and knowledge to teach barre anywhere with confidence. You will learn class choreography, body alignment, student corrections, music selections, and more.
Who can take this type of exercise class?
Men and women alike can take a barre class. It can be taken at a beginner level or advanced level. The technique was developed to be acceptable and safe for individuals age ranging from 15-years old to 75-years old.